№ 1 (14), 2005




1. Shells, orbits and transport coefficients of the nuclear collective dynamics

A. G. Magner, A. N. Gzhebinsky, S. N. Fedotkin...............................................................

2. About the Coulomb and nuclear dissociation of deuterons in the field of atomic nuclei

M. V. Evlanov, A. M. Sokolov, V. K. Tartakovsky, K. O. Terenetsky.................................

3. New potential of the one-particle model of alpha-decay

V. V. Davydovskyy, A. K. Zaichenko, V. S. Olkhovsky.......................................................

4. Coincidence cross-section of process 3He(e, e˘p)2H calculation using the diffraction  nuclear model

V. K. Tartakovsky, A. V. Fursayev, A. D. Voytsekhovskaya...............................................

5. Occupation of levels for nγ-reaction and middle square projection of the single-particle  momentum of nucleons

Yu. G. Schepkin, V. I. Slisenko, Т. А. Kostyuk....................................................................

6.  production in pA collisions at HERA-B experiment

Yu. V. Pylypchenko.............................................................................................................




7. Role of Nuclear Power in Ukraine

I. M. Vyshnevskyi................................................................................................................

8. Assessment of WWER-type reactor vessels radiation lifetime of Ukrainian NPPs

E. U. Grynik, L. I. Chyrko, V. M. Revka............................................................................




9. Charge accumulation and electric fields in lava-like fuel containing materials

O. S. Zinets.........................................................................................................................




10. A model of 137Cs root uptake at the initial stage of ontogenesis of some cultivated plants

A. N. Berlizov, D. M. Grodzynsky, N. M. Rashydov,

V. V. Tryshyn, V. V. Berezhna............................................................................................

11. Formation of cytogenetic anomales at the condition of prolonged exposure with low dose rate

A. P. Kravets, G. D. Slinyavchuk, T. A. Vasilenko..............................................................

12. Investigation of ratio “strontium - calcium” in the plants and in the corresponding soil solution for 90Sr and for natural total strontium

V. V. Prorok, C. F. V. Mason, A. P. Ganushevich,

V. V. Ostashko, T. I. Makarenko, L. Yu. Melnichenko.......................................................

13. Analysis of the Chornobyl zone’s forests state based on the red edge position with use of the  multispectral SPOT-4 images and ground-based reflectance and fluorescence spectra research

V. I. Lyalko, A. I. Sakhatsky, Z. М. Shportiuk, A. Ya. Khodorovsky, A. T. Azimov,

O. M. Sybirtseva, O. I. Levchik, O. V. Svarichevska, L. V. Skripka...................................

14. Optimization of uncertainty measurement of radionuclides activity during the performance of radoiecological inspections

Yu. V. Khomutinin..............................................................................................................

15. Dynamics of distribution of 137Cs in external and internal organs and tissues of

fishes of different ecological groups of cooling-pond of Chornobyl NPP

O. L. Zarubin.....................................................................................................................

16. Response reactions of the fungi, isolated from inner locations of “Ukryttya”,

which have different levels of radioactivity

T. I. Tugay, N. M. Zhdanova, V. O. Zheltonozhsky,

L. V. Sadovnikov, M. V. Telichko.......................................................................................

17. Development of ion exchange determination methodology of uranium and  transuranium elements in ground waters and liquid radioactive waster of

“Ukryttya” object

А. А. Odintsov, D. V. Bogutskiy.........................................................................................

18. Application of gamma spectrometric logging for identification of sources of

radioactive contamination of underground medium

M. I. Panasyuk, A. D. Skorbun, M. I. Pavlyuchenko.........................................................

19. Development of method structure determination of soil contamination by 137Cs of  object “Ukryttya” site under the results of gamma-spectrometric investigations

А. К. Kalynovsky, V. G. Batiy, А. А. Pravdyvyi.................................................................




20. Utilization of the magnet monohromator of the isohron cyclotron U-240 for

the stable ions separation

O. E. Valkov, O. V. Demiynov, O. V. Dolinski,

M. E. Dolinska, Yu. I. Kamyshnikov..................................................................................

21. Acceleration of 14N ions on U-120 cyclotron. First results

S. V. Adamenko, A. E. Borzakovsky, O. Yu. Goryunov, V. I. Kuts,

V. A. Ryloshko, N. G. Tolmachov, A. A. Shvedov..............................................................





A. G. Magner,  A. N. Gzhebinsky,  S. N. Fedotkin


            The Strutinsky shell correction method is applied to the nuclear collective dynamics within the periodic orbit theory extended to dissipative phenomena through some effective residue interactions. The macroscopic limit of the semiclassical transport coefficients with the known wall formula for the friction is obtained. The shell corrections to the stiffness, the inertia and the friction parameters are calculated analytically as function of the particle number and temperature for the low-energy excitations of heavy nuclei.  It is shown that they are approximately proportional to the free-energy shell corrections, with the same sign for the inertia and the opposite one for the stiffness and the friction. The shell oscillating components of the transport coefficients disappear exponentially at temperatures larger than the ones of the free energy. The reduced friction and the energy excitation estimations are in agreement with some experimental data and theoretical calculations.




M. V. Evlanov,  A. M. Sokolov,  V. K. Tartakovsky,  K. O. Terenetsky


            The calculation of differential cross sections of the Coulomb dissociation of deuterons is performed, when the nucleons emit under zero angles. Comparison between the calculated cross section of deuteron diffraction dissociaton with allowance of the Coulomb interaction and corresponding experiments is made. The deuteron dissociation experiments in the field of nuclei under zero angles of nucleon emission are satisfactorily described taking into account the Coulomb and nuclear interactions.




V. V. Davydovskyy,  A. K. Zaichenko,  V. S. Olkhovsky


            Phenomenological one-particle model of alpha-decay, which is based on a mechanism of alpha-particle tunneling through Coulomb barrier, is proposed. In contrast to classical models of Gamow and Landau, calculations of the barrier penetrability are carried out with no use of quasiclassical approximation as well as the processes of formation and disappearance of alpha-particles in the surface layer of parent nucleus are taken into account. In the framework of this model, explicit relations for the Coulomb barrier penetrability, the phase tunneling and reflection time of alpha-particles as well as for the alpha-particle formation time are obtained. In addition, the program for development of time microscopic theory of alpha-decay of non-spherical nuclei, which is aimed not only to describe existing experimental data on alpha-decay of deformed nuclei, but also to plan new experiments, is given.


4. calculation  OF  Coincidence  cross-section  of    process

using  the  diffraction  nuclear  model


V. K. Tartakovsky,  A. V. Fursayev,  A. D. Voytsekhovskaya


            The cross-section of  process is calculated with the regard to the interaction in the final state in terms of diffraction nuclear model. The satisfactory agreement with coincidence experiment is obtained without using any adjusting parameters. The influence of nuclear structure and interaction as well as kinematics changes on the cross-section behaviour is investigated.





Yu. G. Schepkin,  V. I. Slisenko,  Т. А. Kostyuk


            The calculation of the relation between the nuclear levels occupation by means of gamma-rays emission and projection middle square <m2> of the single-partical momentum of nucleons were performed. It is shown that the increasing of spin difference berween ground occupated levels is caused by the decreasing of statistical model parameters uncertaintly which is determined from the value of occupation numbers. Ground state and compaund nucleus level densities and correction on even-odd difference of binding energies of nucleus and single-particle strength functions as parameters for culculations have been choosen.




Yu. V. Pylypchenko

             We report on the measurement of fraction of J/Y produced via radiative decays of  mesons,, in collisions of 920 GeV protons with carbon nuclei. Analyzed data were collected by HERA-B detector in 2002 using di-muon trigger. The preliminary value is, for the events with .




I. M. Vyshnevskyi


            Nuclear power of Ukraine commenced from Chornobyl NPP, where the first unit was put into operation at 1977. At present in Ukraine there are 4 running NPPs with a total installed capacity 11880 MW where more than 40 % of electricity is generated. Elaborated Atomic Energy Strategy Development for the period till 2030 after the commissioning of two new units in 2004 foresees to keep the total installed capacity around 14000 MW. Analysis on the maintenance of such level and the solution of other problems, related to nuclear energy is carried out. Among them: nuclear fuel cycle, handling of radioactive wastes, decommissioning and others. Thus nuclear energy plays and will play the important role to ensure the electricity generation in Ukraine.


8. Assessment  of  WWER-type  reactor  vessels  radiation  lifetime

of  Ukrainian  NPPs


E. U. Grynik,  L. I. Chyrko,  V. M. Revka


            The Ni content in the welds of 9 energetic units of WWER-1000 type NPPs operating in Ukraine now exceeds the standard value. The increase of the Nickel concentration beyond the regulated one is known to lead to the increase of the irradiation embrittlement rate. The highest content of Nickel is in the weld metal of Khmelnitsky NPP-1 and it is equal to 1,88 %. Therefore, the paper considers just this case as the most complicated. In the paper the performed analysis of the dependence of the brittle critical temperature of the weld metal on the accumulated neutron fluence has shown the critical temperature not to exceed (with the confidence probability 95%) the regulated dependence. Thus, the state of the weld metal does not limit the design lifetime of the given reactor vessel.




O. S. Zinets


            The charge accumulation and electric fields due to internal radioactivity in lava-like fuel containing materials has been considered. It has been shown that macroscopic electric fields can be as large as 104 V/cm at the material surface and at the interface of a spherical inclusion - SiO2 matrix for the total activity 1 GBk × сm-3. The mechanical stresses connected with such fields are small (102 Pa) and have a small influence on the material destruction.




A. N. Berlizov,  D. M. Grodzynsky,  N. M. Rashydov,  V. V. Tryshyn,  V. V. Berezhna


            On the basis of the data, obtained in the laboratory experiments, a phenomenological two-parameter model was developed for 137Cs root uptake at the initial stage of ontogenesis of some cultivated plants - wheat, rye, maize, pea, bean, and soybean. Within the framework of the common approach the model describes the radionuclide accumulation by the plants with different types of the root system grown on soil with significantly different character of radionuclide contamination vertical profiles of the soil. The model parameters have adequate interpretation. The parameter values, defined as a result of the experimental data fitting, allow predicting values of the uptake coefficients for the investigated cultivated plants for an arbitrary vertical profile of radioactive contamination. Besides, the model provides the information about peculiarities of the mineral substance uptake by plants at the initial stage of their ontogenesis.




A. P. Kravets,  G. D. Slinyavchuk,  T. A. Vasilenko


            The properties of chromosomal aberration formation on condition of prolonged exposure had been investigated. It is demonstrated that risk of cytogenetic anomalies on condition of prolonged exposure may be in 1 - 2 order higher then one for the condition of acute exposure. Possible consequences of prolonged exposure for realization of cancer and genetic risks had been discussed.




V. V. Prorok,  C. F. V. Mason,  A. P. Ganushevich,  V. V. Ostashko,

T. I. Makarenko,  L. Yu. Melnichenko


            Ratios Sr/Ca for natural total strontium and 90Sr/Ca in the plants and in the corresponding soil solutions for three experimental lands with “fuel” type of pollution for several plants at natural conditions are determined. The lands with tree different types of soil are at the Exclusive Zone of the Chernobyl Power Station. The obtained experimental results shown that ratio Sr/Ca in plant is equal to this ratio in the corresponding soil solution for all investigated lands and plants. Ratio 90Sr/Ca in plant exceeds this ratio at the corresponding soil solution.


13. Analysis  of  THE  ChOrnobyl  zone’s  forests  state  BASED  on  THE  Red Edge  Position  WITH  USE  OF  THE  multispectral  SPOT-4  imageS  and ground-based  reflectance  and  fluorescence  spectra  research


V. I. Lyalko,  A. I. Sakhatsky,  Z. М. Shportiuk,  A. Ya. Khodorovsky,  A. T. Azimov,

O. M. Sybirtseva,  O. I. Levchik,  O. V. Svarichevska,  L. V. Skripka


The results of the ground-based research of visible reflectance and laser-induced fluorescence of pine (needles) at different stages of pine fungus damage, depending on crown position and content of incorporated radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr, as well as the results of the remote sensing data of the Red Edge Position of pine forests growing in Chernobyl zone with use of multispectral SPOT-4 images are presented. It has been established that the remote sensing data, which take into account integral state of the tested territory is more effective for the detection of root sponge stress.




Yu. V. Khomutinin


            Some issues of optimization of uncertainty measurement during the performance of radioecological inspections are considered. The criterion of definition by maximum permitted uncertainty of radionuclide activity measurement and the methods of its calculation are proposed. It is shown that at estimation of median individual test of ground activity the density of site pollution specific activity of crop on site etc. with the set accuracy and reliability should not aspire to high accuracy of individual activity measurement in the sample. It is more preferable to select some additional tests or samples and activity measurement to be performed with more statistical uncertainty.




O. L. Zarubin


            Dynamics of the 137Cs contents in different organs and tissues of fishes of the cooling-pond of ChNPP is studied from 1986 to 1990. The measurements were performed by gamma-spectrometer methods. The contents of 137Cs in the organism of the majority of species of fishes has achieved the maximal values during 1 - 4 months from the moment of the accident. Relatively even contamination of 137Cs in all organisms of fishes was registered at this time. Differentiation in accumulation of 137Cs by different organs and tissues with the course of time is increased, and in tissues, directly contacting with water, the contents of 137Cs was decreased more strongly. The specific features of 137Cs distribution on organs and tissues are found.


16. Response  reactions  OF  THE  FungI,  isolated  from  inner  locations  of “UKRYTTYA”,  which  have  differENT  levels  of  radioactivity


T. I. Tugay,  N. M. Zhdanova,  V. O. Zheltonozhsky,  L. V. Sadovnikov,  M. V. Telichko


            Adaptive reactions of some fungi strains of species Cladosporium chlorocephalum and Aspergillus versicolor, which was isolated from inner location of Shelter with different level of radioactive pollution, in relation to the action of two sources of ionizing irradiation 121Sn and 137Cs have been studied. Correlation between radiotropic reaction and radioactive pollution level inner locations was shown. Is established that under exposure of radiation enhanced of conidia germination only at strains is observed, isolated from inner locations with a rather low level radioactivity. Under action 137Cs was observed inhibition of process of conidia germination and emergent hyphae length at dark pigmented strains and activation of these processes at light pigmented strains. The degree of these effects did not depend on the level of radioactivity of places, where the strains were isolated.




А. А. Odintsov,  D. V. Bogutskiy


            The procedure of simultaneous determination of the contents of radionuclides 234-238U, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am and 244Cm in ground water and liquid radioactive waster is submitted ion exchange. Concentration and separations of uranium and plutonium is yielded on anion AV-17 in Cl - form. The clearing of americium and curium from rare earth elements is carried out step-by-step striping from a cation-exchange column with KU - 2-8. Activity of isotopes of uranium, plutonium, americium and curium determine by alpha spectrometric measurements.




M. I. Panasyuk,  A. D. Skorbun,  M. I. Pavlyuchenko


            Using the results of the joint analysis of the bulk and spectrometric gamma logging, that have been carried out in boreholes around  power Unit 4 of Chornobyl nuclear power plant, the regions of radioactive contamination of soils below the pre-accident level of the ground have been discovered. It was shown, that gamma-logging data in combination with hydrogeology data gives the possibility to distinguish the influence of potential sources of radionuclides. For instance, soils, contaminated by fuel particles, high active water from Unit 4, etc.





А. К. Kalynovsky,  V. G. Batiy,  А. А. Pravdyvyi


Structure analysis method of soil contamination by 137Cs under the results of spectrometric investigations of gamma-radiation in boreholes passing through radioactively contaminated soils was developed. For practical implementation, the field spectrometric complex was created and required methodical measurements were performed at experimental models as on study of gamma-radiation characteristics. Mathematical model of borehole was proposed adequate to experimental models for calculations using MCNP4 software code. The results of practical application during radioactive contamination structure analysis of soils making geological section of local zone of Object “Ukryttya” were stated.





O. E. ValkovO. V. DemiynovO. V. DolinskiM. E. DolinskaYu. I. Kamyshnikov


            This paper reviews one of the possible variant of the electromagnetic separator for stable isotopes production with analyzing magnet inhomogeneous magnetic field. Detailed beam optical calculations are described for chosen ion-optical scheme of the separator. Results shows that this magnet can be used for isotopes production with excellent efficiency for any ion mass. Factors affecting the separation process – beam parameters, space-charge and aberrations are discussed.



S. V. Adamenko,  A. E. Borzakovsky,  O. Yu. Goryunov,

V. I. Kuts,  V. A. Ryloshko,  N. G. Tolmachov,  A. A. Shvedov


            The new spectrometric regime - intensive beam of 14N++ with 8,7 MeV energy was obtained on the classic U-120 cyclotron. Back-scattering spectra on different samples with heavy elements on a surface of a light matrix were obtained with the help of time-of-flight method. The feasibility of such beam use for indication of microquantities of heavy elements (1011 atoms /cm2), located on a surface of a light matrix is shown.