№ 2 (13), 2004



1. Isobaric and isotopic effects in the 9Ве(11В12C)8Li,  9Ве(11В12B)8Be,

9Ве(11В10B)10Be reactions

V. M. Kyryanchuk, A. T. Rudchik, A. Budzanowski, B. Czech, T. Czosnyka,

L. Głowacka, S. Kliczewski, E. I. Koshchy, S. Yu. Mezhevych, A. V. Mokhnach,

K. Rusek, S. B. Sakuta, R. Siudak, I. Skwirczyńska, A. Szczurek.......................................

2. Isomeric ratio study of photofission fragments of 238U and 237Np

O. A. Bezshyyko, I. N. Vishnevsky, V. A. Zheltonozhsky, I. M. Kadenko,

V. M. Mazur, V. A. Plujko, N. V. Strilchuk………………………………………………

3. Calculation of energy dependence of fusion and total peripheral reaction cross

sections in new approach to heavy-ion elastic scattering angular distributions analysis

Yu. A. Pozdnyakov……………………………………………………………………….

4. About the system of three unbound interacting particles

V. K. Tartakovsky, I. V. Kozlovsky……………………………………………………….

5. Interaction of fast neutron with 89Y nuclei

I. O. Korzh, M. T. Sklyar…………………………………………………………………

6. “Shake-off” electrons in the b-decay 152,154Eu

N. F. Mitrokhovich……………………………………………………………………….

7. The phase analysis of a-a elastic scattering in the 53,4 - 99,5 MeV energy region

V. V. Ostashko……………………………………………………………………………




8. Computation of the radiation characteristics of spent fuel of the RBMK-1000 type reactor

S. Yu. Lobach, O. V. Sevastyuk, V. I. Slisenko…………………………………………




9. Temperature relations of volt-ampere characteristics of light emitting patterns GaP

S. О.  Kanevsky, I. V.  Kolyadenko, V. Ja. Opylat, V. P. Tartachnyk…………………….




10. Self similar asymptotics of the drift ion acoustic waves

V. B. Taranov.....................................................................................................................

11. Mass-spectrometric investigation of chemically active plasma in discharge with

control magnetic fields

E. G. Kostin,  V. V. Ustalov,  O. A. Fedorovich………………………………………….




12. The investigation and the modeling of ecosystems radiocapacity

Yu. A. Kutlahmedov, SAPchelovskaya, EYuKoltsova……………………………….

13. Analysis of approaches for assessments and forecast of the radiological Chernobyl accident consequences

A. P. Kravets…………………………………………………………………...…………

14. The nature and principles of the radiation-induced cancerogenesis

A. I. Lypska,  Ya. I. Serkiz………………………………………………………………

15. Research of possible mechanisms of morphogenetic processes suppression in tissue culture, donor plants of which were exposed under action of chronic irradiation

A. A. Konoplyova, N. M. Rashydov, D. M. Grodzinsky…………………………………..

16. Response reactions of fungi under exposure of ionizing irradiation

T. I. Tugay, V. A. Zheltonozhsky, L. V. Sadovnikov............................................................

17. Influence of internal exposure on the morphofunctional characteristics of hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal gland

L. P. Derevyanko, A. T. Nosov……………………………………………………

18. Influence of the laser irradiation on the post-irradiation status of the fibrinolisis

and proteolysis in the rats’ liver

Ya. G. Ivanushko, Yu. P. Grinevich……………………………………………………




19. Fast neutron spectrometry on EGP-10K beam

I. P. Dryapachenko, E. M. Mozhzhukhin………………………………………………...


20. Measurement system of the radiation fields distribution on the KINR radiation facility

I. M. Vyshnevskyi, A. G. Zelinskyi, V. I. Sakhno, A. V. Sakhno, S. P. Tomchay…………


21. CdWO4 scintillation detector optimization for the 2β experiment with 116Cd

І. І. Veretyannikov, F. А. Danevich, Yu. GZdesenko, V. V. Коbychev,

S. S. Nagorny, D. VPoda………………………………………………………………



1. ISOBARIC  AND  ISOTOPIC  EFFECTS  IN  THE 9Ве(11В, 12C)8Li,  9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be,  9Ве(11В, 10B)10Be  REACTIONS


V. M. Kyryanchuk,  A. T. Rudchik,  A. Budzanowski,  B. Czech,  T. Czosnyka,  L. Głowacka,

S. Kliczewski,  E. I. Koshchy,  S. Yu. Mezhevych,  A. V. Mokhnach,  K. Rusek,

S. B. Sakuta,  R. Siudak,  I. Skwirczyńska,  A. Szczurek


            Isobaric and isotopic effects were investigated in the angular distributions of the 9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be and 9Ве(11В, 12C)8Li, 9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be and 9Ве(11В, 10B)10Be reactions at the energy Еlab(11В) = 45 MeV. The experimental data of the 9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be and 9Ве(11В, 10B)10Be reactions measured earlier, were used. The angular distribution of the 9Ве(11В, 12C)8Li reaction were measured at Еlab(11В) = 45 MeV for the transitions to the ground states of 12C і 8Li and to the 4,439 MeV (2+) state of 12C and 0,981 MeV (1+), 2,261 MeV (3+), 3,21 MeV (1+), 5,4 MeV (2+) states of 8Li. The data were analyzed within the coupled-reaction-channels method. It was found existence of considerable difference (isobaric effect) in the angular distributions of the 9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be and 9Ве(11В, 12C)8Li reactions. The isotopic effects in the angular distributions of the 9Ве(11В, 12B)8Be and 9Ве(11В, 10B)10Be reactions at the energy Еlab(11В) = 45 MeV were investigated. The isotopic and isobaric effects in the optical potentials of the 11B + 9Be, 10B + 10Be, 12B + 8Be, 12C + 8Li nuclear interactions were analyzed.




O. A. Bezshyyko,  I. N. Vishnevsky,  V. A. Zheltonozhsky,  I. M. Kadenko,  V. M. Mazur,

V. A. Plujko,  N. V. Strilchuk


Isomeric ratios for 84Br, 129Sb, 130Sb, 132,133Te, 132Sb, 134I and 135Xe nuclei produced in photofission reactions when 237Np and 238U were irradiated by Bremsstrahlung spectrum of M-30 Microtron with the maximal electron energy of 16 MeV have experimentally been obtained. Mean angular momenta of photofission products have been calculated using EMPIRE II code.




Yu. A. Pozdnyakov


            The method for calculation of energy dependence of fusion (in general case the sum of complete and incomplete fusion, quasifission and deep inelastic collisions)  and total peripheral reaction  cross sections is developed on the basis of finite set of elastic scattering angular distributions analysis for given pair of nuclei. Predictive possibilities of the method are illustrated for the 16O + 208Pb system, for which calculations are made in the laboratory energy interval ELAB = 70 - 450 MeV.




V. K. Tartakovsky,  I. V. Kozlovsky


            The problem of three unbound interacting particles is considered in terms of Faddeev equations involving the hyperspherical harmonics method. In the first approximation of the expansion in hyperspherical harmonics in the spherical system of relative coordinates of the six-dimensional space, the Faddeev set of equations reduces to single one-dimensional equation.




I. O. Korzh,  M. T. Sklyar


            The analysis of experimental data on total cross sections, cross sections of elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrons by nuclei 89Y in 0,2 - 22 MeV energy range has been done. The experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical-statistical approach, based on the spherical optical model, model of the coupled channels, model of excited core and modern variants of statistical model. It is shown that adequate description of this set of experimental data is possible within this approach only at use of the individual set of optical potential parameters. The conclusions about mechanisms of fast neutron scattering by nuclei 89Y in broad energy range were made from the adequate theoretical description of set of experimental data.




N. F. Mitrokhovich


            Based on measuring of double and triple coincidences g-quants, conversion electrons (СЕ) and        b-particles with electrons (including the eo-electrons of secondary electron emission - coincidence               (g, CE)-(e, eo) and coincidence gbео) the output of eo-electrons is measured per on act b-decays 152,154Eu for different components of the b-spectrum. In the b-decay is established that b-particles and shake-off electrons (observed by eо-electrons), which are caused by them are correlated in the direction of light, demonstrating predominantly emitting to the same half sphere.


7. The  phase  analysis  of  a-a  elastic  scattering in  THE  53,4 - 99,5 MeV  energy  region


V. V. Ostashko


            Phase analysis of 4Не(a, a)4Не elastic scattering was made in the energy region Еa = 53,4 - 99,5 MeV. Energy dependence of phase shifts was received and for the first time the possible errors of phase shifts was estimated by classical schema c2opt.+ Dа) = c2opt + 1. It was demonstrated the significance of correct determination of phase shift errors for analysis of the energetic behavior of phase shift and real conclusions about resonance in the system. Local minimum in energetic dependence of phase shifts with L = 2 and 4 are observed. There are correspondent of 8Be excitation energy near 29 and 31 MeV accordingly. Under the energy region 31 and 37 MeV the resonance-like structure in energetic dependence of phase L = 6 are presented. It was discussed the possible explanation of those resonances as rotational band which are built for two a-particles and one is in the excitation state.




S. Yu. Lobach,  O. V. Sevastyuk,  V. I. Slisenko


            Evaluative computation results of residual energy-release and exposure dose rate are presented. Computation was performed for the RBMK-1000 spent fuel assembly with the average and maximum burn-up and various initial enrichments by means of the computer code SAS2H from the package SCALE.


9. temperature  relations  of  volt-ampere  characteristics  of  light  emitting  patterns  GaP


S. О.  Kanevsky,  I. V.  Kolyadenko,  V. Ja. Opylat,  V. P. Tartachnyk


            It designed the improved methodology of volt-ampere characteristics (VACh) measurement with the opportunity of the settings of measurings discrete discretization step of  both on the electrical voltage and on the current. It is revealed that the shape VACh GaP structures essentially depends on the mode of measurings. S-shaped character VACh and thin structure of oscillation in the field of the high currents, detected at low temperatures in a mode of discrete sampling on the current, can be explained by devastation and the subsequent occupancy of deep level which corresponds to traps of minority carriers of the current. On the low-temperature VACh the red light-emitting diodes GaP, irradiated by reactor neutrons, measured in a mode of discrete sampling on an electrical voltage, is revealed a N-shaped section where existence can be caused by the presence of disordering fields.




V. B. Taranov


            A 3D model for the coupled drift and ion acoustic waves is considered. It is shown that self-similar solutions can exist due to the symmetry extension in asymptotic regimes. The form of these solutions is determined in the presence of the magnetic shear as well as in the shearless case. Some of the most symmetric exact solutions are obtained explicitly. In particular, solutions describing asymptotics of zonal flow interaction with monochromatic waves are presented and corresponding frequency shifts are determined.




E. G. Kostin,  V. V. Ustalov,  O. A. Fedorovich


            Qualitative composition of chemically active plasma which is formed in high-frequency (HF) plasmochemical reactor (PChR) has been investigation by mass-spectrometric methods. HF discharge in PChR was formed in crossed electric and controlled magnetic fields. The technique of mass-spectrometric investigation, which is proposed by the authors of this paper permitted to make the qualitative analyses of plasma in SF6 gas discharge for working pressure in the interval 10-4 χ1 torr. High efficiency of dissociation of SF6 molecules and radicals ionization was received. This ions and radicals are responsible for high sputtering speed of materials. Ions energy is in interval 50χ200 eV. The physical mechanisms for ion-radicals contentment in mass-spectrograms are briefly reviewed.




Yu. A. Kutlahmedov,  SAPchelovskaya,  EYuKoltsova


            The article presents the new approach to estimate the condition of biota ecosystem - on behaviour of parameter of radiocapacity is offered. The radiocapacity is defined as the limiting quantity of radionuclides which on the dosage influence is not yet capable to break the basic functions of biota: ability to keep biomass and to the condition of inhabitancy. Models of ecosystem radiocapacity are constructed and the parameters capable adequately react on different factors (γ-irradiation, heavy metals) are offered. By the experiments results, parameters appeared capable precisely to display influence of different factors on biota and to outstrip on the reactions biological growth parameters are suggested. It is shown, that reaction of parameters of radiocapacity can serve as the ecological thermometer measuring the condition and well-being of biota, and to serve as a measure for equidosimetric estimations of the influence of radiation and the chemical factors. The model and the parameter for the estimation of combined factors synergism action are developed. It is shown, that in dynamics of growth of biota in ecosystem actions of different factors can vary from synergism up to antagonism. The leading part of processes of restoration is shown at the action to biota of radiation and chemical factors.




A. P. Kravets


            Analysis of the approaches for assessments and forecast Chernobyl accident consequences had been developed. It is demonstrated that the main uncertainty of assessments and forecast are connected with the possibility of induction gradual modification of sensitivity with protracted exposure. It could lead to organism’s sensitisation as well as to organism’s radioadaptation.




A. I. Lypska,  Ya. I. Serkiz


            The paper represents the analysis of the authorts’ and literary data concerning the nature and principles of the radiation-induced neoplasms. The mechanisms of the radiation-induced cancerogenesis development are not clear understood. The experimental data altogether do not allow developing the mathematical model of the radiation-induced cancerogenesis at the molecular level. This model has to take into account all necessary indices including radiation factor and the state of the organism. The general principles of the radiation-induced cancerogenesis have been formulated in the present review. It is possible to use these principles in order to predict and calculate the risks of the radiation-induced neoplasms.




A. A. Konoplyova,  N. M. Rashydov,  D. M. Grodzinsky


            The callus culture of tobacco alate (Nicotiana alata L.) from the plants which have been grown for the period of vegetation with the average dose rate 0,013mA/kg (the control, Kiev), 0,93,  9,3,  18,6 and 46,5 mA/kg (10-kilometer zone of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant) was used in the experiment. Significant reduction of shoot- and root-formation in culture in vitro with augmentation of dose loads on donor plants was marked. The possible mechanisms of supression of morphogenesis intensity in tissue culture of irradiated plants are found out. It is supposed that under action of chronic irradiation on donor plants the ability of cells to react on phytohormonal influence is lost.




T. I. TugayV. A. ZheltonozhskyL. V. Sadovnikov


            Dematiaceae and Moniliaceae family fungi response reactions under the exposure of ionizing irradiation were investigated. Under exposure of different type of irradiation effect of radio stimulation was shown. The level of radiostimulation depends on some factors: the nature of irradiation sources, their activity, the presence of pigments in cell wall.




L. P. Derevyanko,  A. T. Nosov


            The phase changes in morphofunctional states of hypothalamus, pituitary, cortex and medulla of adrenal gland of rats, which for a long time (9 mounth) were fed a 137Cs diary, were determined. At early stages of experiment (7 - 30 days) the enhancing of morphofunctional and secretory activity of cells of hypothalamus, pituitary, cortex and medulla of adrenal gland cells, were observed (total absorbed doses of 0,3 sGy). After 9 months (total absorbed doses of 3,0 sGy) in cells of hypothalamus, pituitary, cortex and medulla of adrenal gland the progressions of dystrophic-destructive changes of intracellular structures with the sings of decreasing of morphofunctional and secretory activities were determined. It is necessary to underline, that the sings of intracellular reparative regeneration, were observed in a small part of cells against the background of presence of dystrophic-destructive changes. In spite of the processes of intracellular reparative regeneration which were observed 9 months later after exposure, the completely renewing of morphofunctional and secretory activities in cells of hypothalamus, pituitary, cortex and medulla of adrenal gland’s cells were absent.





Ya. G. Ivanushko,  Yu. P. Grinevich


            The influence of combined action fractionated total X-rayed irradiation in total dose 23,3 mKl/kg and laser (λ = 632,8 nm) on status of the fibrinolytic and proteolytic system in nonline male rats liver was studying. Decreasing fibrinolytic system activity after expired 30-days X-rayed mainly by the aget fermentative fibrinolyzis have been explored. X-rayed irradiation and combined action X-ray and laser beans appealed rising  fibrinolytic system activity. In 20 days after laser and X-ray irradiation were degabling fibrinolytic system activity, which was expressed by the factors combine action. X-rayed, laser irradiation and their combined action called activation unlimited proteolysis system. After action X-rayed beams the upwards of degradation were syned low-molecular proteins (decreasing number of azoalbumin). X-ray irradiation and combined action factors generate more degradation of high-molecular proteins and collagen then action of the X-ray beams. In 20 days in pari causa proteolysis became lower.


19. Fast  neutron  spectrometry  on  EGP-10K  beam


I. P. Dryapachenko,  E. M. Mozhzhukhin


            Method and measurement results of 3He, n-coincidences from D(d, n)3He reaction are discussed. Associated particles method was used for the fast neutron time of flight spectrometry on the EGP-10K tandem accelerator beam.




I. M. Vyshnevskyi,  A. G. Zelinskyi,  V. I. Sakhno,  A. V. Sakhno,  S. P. Tomchay


            During the carrying out of radiation tests the control over the radiation doses is the important factor. The measurement instrumentation of these parameters is the basic for theradiation facility and determines metrological resources of investigations. The measurement system of the radiation field distribution in the working volume of the reaction chamber, created for powerful KINR radiation facility is submitted. The results of radiation fields’ measurements in the different operating modes of the facility are presented.




І. І. Veretyannikov,  F. А. Danevich,  Yu. GZdesenko,  V. V. Коbychev,

S. S. Nagorny,  D. VPoda


            Improvement of the energy resolution of 116CdWO4 scintillation spectrometer from 8% to 4% (FWHM, at the energy of 116Cd 2b-decay – 2,8 МеV) can reduce background by a factor of 3 - 4 times. It allows to improve sensitivity of the new experiment, which is developing in the Solotvina Underground Laboratory, up to the level of T1/2 » 1025 years for 0n2b-decay of 116Cd, which corresponds to the neutrino mass mn » 0,2 eV. With the CdWO4 crystal (Ζ 40 ΄ 30 mm) located in a light guide, 22 % increase of light collection was obtained. Such an improvement of light collection for a scintillation detector with light guide is reached for the first time. The energy resolution of 3,7 % (at energy 2,8 МеV) can be obtained using two light guides and off-line correction of light collection nonuniformity.