Welcome to conference site ^

Dear Colleagues!
The books of proceedings are ready and can be downloaded: Part I (pdf), Part II (pdf), or all parts in zip archive.

The Organizing Committee

News ^

03 March 2013

Dear Colleagues!
The books of proceedings are ready and can be downloaded: Part I (pdf), Part II (pdf), or all parts in zip archive.

The Organizing Committee

28 August 2012

Dear Colleagues!
The updated Conference Program.

The Organizing Committee

23 August 2012

Dear Colleagues!
The preliminary program has been changed!
If you have some questions or proposals, please send e-mail

The Organizing Committee

21 August 2012

Dear Colleagues!
The preliminary program of the conference is ready and can be downloaded (version on August 21, 2012).
If you have some questions or proposals, please send e-mail on the conference address: npae-kyiv2012@kinr.kiev.ua
Please read the 3-rd Circular.

Welcome to Kyiv!
The Organizing Committee

1 August 2012

Dear Colleagues!
The Final Registration Form should be sent to Organizing committee till August 14th, 2012.
Please fill the Final Registration Form on site by using your account(preferably) or send filled form by e-mail

13 June 2012

Dear Colleagues!
Registration and reception of abstracts are over.
Two hundred forty-four participants were registered and two hundred sixty-three abstracts were received.
At nearest future you can see list of participants and reports in special section of the site. We will inform you about status of your presentation as soon as possibte.


16 May 2012

Dear Colleagues!
We would like to put your attention that DEADLINE for abstract submission is June 1, 2012!

15 May 2012

You can download poster from document section.

15 February 2012

Registration on conference NPAE-Kyiv2012 and receiving of abstract are started.


15 September 2011

1-st Circular are published.